The LEO Fund provides financial support for community leaders and organizations working in impoverished areas of Colombia, cooperating to achieve positive social change by providing equal opportunities for development.
The LEO Fund supports community development programs, projects and initiatives that include rights-based approaches, gender equity and the contributions of civil society as a basis for democracy.
In general, the LEO Fund supports any effort that contributes to human coexistence as an instrument of non-violence positively impacting local communities and giving a voice to the people living within them. We address issues such as racism, drugs, gangs, violence, lack of opportunity, inequities or any other problem that seeks to harm people and divide communities.

Our Values
Promoting social justice
The LEO Fund works in Colombia concentrating its support in lines of work such as education, human rights, culture, gender equity, social inclusion, LGBTQI, citizen participation, coexistence, community communication and peace building.
Respecting Cultural Diversity
We believe there are different ways of approaching problems depending on the location in which they occur. We value the experiences of our partners who live there and know best how to address their unique issues. The financial resources we provide seek to strengthen the skills, methodologies and potential of our partners. Through innovation, we seek solutions based on cultural diversity and teamwork as a way to influence the construction of social justice.
Growing from learning
We are interested in building egalitarian relationships with our partners, where honesty leads to continuous learning by recognizing the factors of success and the causes of failures as opportunities for growth. We seek to listen to others and build horizontal communications. In doing so, we allow for a better understanding of issues that help us learn how to improve the impact of funds invested by donors and the efforts made within the communities.
Respect and recognition
We understand that we live in a complex world which benefits from a variety of contributions in order to improve the conditions of those who live within it. We will honor any support that allows us to achieve this goal. We will act with honesty and transparency towards our partners and with our donors, because it takes all of our efforts to achieve the changes we desire.